
How To Fix Missing Textures In Minecraft

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Minecraft makes apply of missing textures and missing models to handle potential errors present in the game's resources also as resource packs.

Missing texture [ ]

Missing Texture.png

The missing texture is a placeholder texture used by Minecraft for handling cases where a suitable texture cannot be establish. Exterior of its use in missing models, this is well-nigh always due to a texture being referenced which simply does not exist under that name.

The texture uses a prominent black
and magenta
checkerboard in Coffee Edition or a black
and magenta
checkerboard in Bedrock Edition, in social club to stand up out as much as possible in most cases. Using bright colors is manufacture standard, and blackness and magenta is employed by other game development studios, notably Valve.[1]

The texture is not intended to appear in vanilla gameplay, and cases where it does are due to misconfigured resources packs.

As of Java Edition 21w42a, at that place are six ways in which the missing texture can appear without using a resource pack, all of which crave commands:

  • By creating minecraft:block_marker particles associated with either air, cave air or void air:[ii]
    • /particle minecraft:block_marker minecraft:air
    • /particle minecraft:block_marker minecraft:cave_air
    • /particle minecraft:block_marker minecraft:void_air
  • By creating minecraft:item particles associated with either air or a spyglass:[3] [iv]
    • /particle minecraft:item minecraft:air
    • /particle minecraft:item minecraft:spyglass
  • Past summoning a panda eating a spyglass.[4]
    • /summon minecraft:panda ~ ~ ~ {HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:spyglass", Count:1b},{}]}

When the game has to use the missing texture, such uses are generally announced in the game's output log:

  • References to nonexistent textures results in Using missing texture, unable to load [NAMESPACE]:textures/[TEXTURE].png : [NAMESPACE]:textures/[TEXTURE].png
  • Absent texture references for model elements results in Unable to resolve texture reference: #texture in [NAMESPACE]:cake/[MODEL]
  • Cases where no particle texture is specified does not output anything to the log at all.[5] This is why the air and spyglass items' use of the missing texture for particles goes unreported in the game logs.

History [ ]

History of the texture itself [ ]

Java Edition Beta
i.4 Missing Texture (Windows) JE1.png The missing texture has been implemented. Information technology differs depending on the arrangement - run across the subsection below.
Java Edition
one.5 13w02a Missing Texture (Windows) JE2.png The missing texture has changed to brandish more descriptive text.
i.6.ane 13w18a Missing Texture JE3.png The missing texture generated has changed to a magenta and blackness checkerboard texture.
1.7.2 13w38a Missing Texture (anisotropic filtering) JE3.png When anisotropic filtering is enabled, the missing texture has a 4x4 checker instead of a 2x2 checker.[6] [seven] [eight] This is due to the option replacing each texture with a 3x3 filigree of the texture and selecting the middle 32x32 of it, which for the missing texture specifically gives the illusion of a 2x2 tiling.
1.8 14w25a Removed the anisotropic filtering pick, meaning that the 2x2 checker is one time over again the only missing texture.
ane.13 17w43a Missing Texture JE4.png The missing texture generated has changed.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.16.0 build five Missing Texture BE1.png Added missing texture.
b1.4-13w17a platform differences

This section is missing information about

  • MC-7225 Bone 10
  • MC-5094 OS X
  • MC-8997 Os X
  • include info on the exact match.

Please expand the section to include this data. Further details may exist on the talk page.

The missing texture used in these versions would be generated differently depending on the operating system and Java version.[9]

Texture Operating system Coffee version Notes
b1.4 - 13w01b 13w02a - 13w17a
Missing Texture (Windows) JE1.png Missing Texture (Windows) JE2.png Windows XP
  • six.0.370.half dozen[x]
Appears standard across all Windows versions.
No smoothing.
Windows seven[11]
  • seven[12]
    • Update eleven[13]
    • Update 13[14]
    • r15[15]
    • Update 17[16]
Windows 10
  • ane.eight.0_51[17]
Missing Texture (Windows 10, Java 16.0.2) JE1.png Missing Texture (Windows 10, Java 16.0.2) JE2.png Windows x
  • eleven.0.10[17]
  • xvi.0.2
Minor differences in the x and u. No smoothing.
Missing Texture (MacOS 10.14.6, Apple legacy Java runtime 1.6.0 65-b14-468) JE1.png Missing Texture (MacOS 10.14.6, Apple legacy Java runtime 1.6.0 65-b14-468) JE2.png MacOS 10.iii.ix[18]
  • iv[18]
No smoothing - standard for not-Retina systems.[17]
MacOS 10.5.8
  • 1.5.0_30[19]
MacOS 10.six.8[twenty]
  • 6[20]
MacOS 10.14.6[17]
  • Apple legacy Coffee runtime 1.6.0_65-b14-468[17]
Missing Texture (MacOS 10.14.6, Apple legacy Java runtime 1.6.0 65-b14-468, antialiased) JE1.png Missing Texture (MacOS 10.14.6, Apple legacy Java runtime 1.6.0 65-b14-468, antialiased) JE2.png MacOS 10.14.6[17]
  • Apple tree legacy Java runtime 1.6.0_65-b14-468[17]
Monochromatic smoothing - standard for Retina systems.[17]
Missing Texture (MacOS 10.5.8) JE2.png MacOS 10.3.ix[21]
  • 4
Monochromatic smoothing. Almost identical to the above version, with almost unnoticeable unmarried-pixel differences.
MacOS x.5.8[22] Unknown
Missing Texture (MacOS 10.4.11) JE2.png MacOS 10.4.xi
  • one.5.0_19[23]
Polychromatic smoothing.
Missing Texture (MacOS 10.14.6, Java 1.7.0 80-b15) JE1.png Missing Texture (MacOS 10.14.6, Java 1.7.0 80-b15) JE2.png MacOS 10.14.half dozen[17]
  • lxxx-b15[17]
  • 1.8.0_51[17]
No smoothing.
Missing Texture (MacOS 10.14.6) JE1.png Missing Texture (MacOS 10.14.6) JE2.png MacOS 10.14.half dozen[17]
  • one.8.0_301, GraalVM EE 21.2.0
  • 11.0.12, GraalVM EE 21.2.0
  • 16.0.2, GraalVM EE 21.2.0
Monochromatic smoothing.
Missing Texture (Linux) JE1.png Missing Texture (Linux) JE2.png Debian under WSL2[24]
  • 11.0.11
No smoothing.
  • 16.0.1[25]
  • 16.0.2
  • 16.0.2
Missing Texture (Arch) JE1.png Missing Texture (Arch) JE2.png Curvation[26]
  • Temurin-17.0.3+7
No smoothing.

General history [ ]

Java Edition Beta
1.4 The game now generates missing textures for absent avails.
Prior to this version, the game would outright crash if a texture could not be loaded.
The texture does non exist in the vanilla game files equally an epitome, and must be induced through either modding (such as just deleting existing texture files from the jar) or particularly game-breaking glitches.[27] [28] [29] [30]
Java Edition
1.v 13w02a The missing texture is now added to procedurally-generated block and item texture atlases (stitched_terrain.png and stitched_items.png).
1.viii 14w25a With the merging of blocks-atlas and items-atlas into textures-atlas, blocks and items now both reference the aforementioned missing texture.
1.14 19w06a Added particles.png-atlas with the deprecation of particles.png, containing a missing particle texture.
19w07a Added paintings.png-atlas with the deprecation of paintings_kristoffer_zetterstrand.png, containing a missing painting texture.
19w08a Added mob_effects.png-atlas with the removal of effect icons from inventory.png, containing a missing consequence texture.
ane.xv Pre-release 1 Banner patterns, shield imprint patterns, beds, chests, signs and shulker boxes have been carve up from textures-atlas into banner_patterns.png-atlas, shield_patterns.png-atlas, beds.png-atlas, chest.png-atlas, signs.png-atlas and shulker_boxes.png-atlas, each with their own re-create of the missing texture inside, rather than using the same missing texture as blocks and items did.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.16.0 build five Presumably the version that added the missing texture. It is predefined every bit an bodily file, rather than generated by the game.

Missing model [ ]

This section is missing information nearly Console output when a model is missing or invalid.

Please aggrandize the section to include this information. Farther details may exist on the talk page.

Missing Model.png

In an analogous fashion to the missing texture beingness used for instances where no texture is divers, the missing model is use in cases where no model is defined, or the model is invalid.

Past default, the missing model is a full 16x16 cube which uses the missing texture on all six faces. These faces are culled accordingly where possible. But two faces volition take the same color at each vertex, rather than the three one may wait; Mojang take decided to non fix this.[31]

The missing model is obviously also never intended to announced in standard gameplay, and uses the missing texture over again to announced prominent and highlight errors to fix.

Reverse to popular belief, no central "missing texture block" has ever existed in the game; all cases of blocks which use this model are due to another block merely having no assigned texture or model.

History [ ]

History of the model itself [ ]

Block [ ]
Java Edition
1.viii 14w06b Missing Model JE1.png Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE1.png Added the missing model.
It is worth noting that despite existence 8x8x8, information technology maps the entire 16x16 texture on each side as opposed to but the central 8x8 section. This results in no visual oddities for the 2x2 missing texture due to it already only having four singled-out square regions at each corner.
14w10a Missing Model JE2.png Missing Model (anisotropic filtering) JE2.png The missing model has changed to be a full cube.
14w25a Removed the anisotropic filtering option, meaning that the 2x2 checker is once again the only missing texture, and the missing model that uses it the only missing model.
i.xiii 17w43a Missing Model JE3.png The missing texture'southward change has resulted in the appearance of the missing model also changing.
Item [ ]

This section is missing data about "equipped on caput" history.

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Coffee Edition
i.8 14w25a Missing Model (inventory) JE1.png The missing model at present also applies to items. Its "gui" brandish type appears equivalent to other cubes.
1.9 15w31a Missing Model (inventory) JE2.png In the inventory, the missing model visually appears to exist a 2D missing texture; this is due to its viewing angle defaulting to directly-on from a face instead of at an angle, due to changes in how item models can be rendered, and only one face is visible as a outcome.
1.13 17w43a Missing Model (inventory) JE3.png The changes to the missing texture have modified the appearance of the missing model.
1.15 19w39a Missing Model (inventory) JE4.png Major changes to rendering in this version accept fabricated the missing model appear very slightly darker by default.
19w40a Missing Model (inventory) JE5.png Items in the inventory are now shaded far less than previously. As a outcome, the missing model now appears much brighter.
pre3 Missing Model (inventory) JE6.png Shading has returned to items. The missing model now appears far darker than earlier 19w40a.
pre4 Missing Model (inventory) JE7.png Item shading has changed, resulting in the missing model appearing darker than in the prior pre-release.
1.17 21w10a Missing Model (inventory) JE8.png The missing model'south shading has returned to the level of shading it had in 1.fifteen-pre3.
Java Edition
ane.8 14w25a Missing Model (dropped) JE1.gif Missing Model (dropped) JE1.png The missing model now also applies to items. Its "ground" brandish type appears equivalent to other cubes.
1.9 15w31a Missing Model (dropped) JE2.gif Missing Model (dropped) JE2.png The missing model now appears the size of a total block as a dropped item.
i.thirteen 17w43a Missing Model (dropped) JE3.gif Missing Model (dropped) JE3.png The changes to the missing texture have modified the appearance of the missing model.
Java Edition
ane.viii 14w25a Missing Model (fixed) 14w25a.png The missing model now too applies to items. Its "fixed" display blazon appears equivalent to other cubes.
14w31a Missing Model (fixed) 14w31a.png Changed lighting for the "fixed" model.
1.9 15w31a Missing Model (fixed) 15w31a.png The missing model now appears larger than earlier in an item frame.
1.xiii 17w43a Missing Model (fixed) 17w43a.png The changes to the missing texture have modified the appearance of the missing model.
Held, offset person
Coffee Edition
1.8 14w25a Missing Model (first person, right hand) JE1.png The missing model now also applies to items. Its "firstperson_righthand" display type appears equivalent to other cubes.
1.ix 15w31a Missing Model (first person, right hand) JE2.png The missing model now appears the size of a full block when held in first person.
Missing Model (first person, left hand) JE1.png Objects can now be held in the player's left mitt.
ane.xiii 17w43a Missing Model (first person, left hand) JE2.png Missing Model (first person, right hand) JE3.png The changes to the missing texture accept modified the appearance of the missing model.
Held, third person/other entity
Coffee Edition
1.8 14w25a Missing Model (third person, right hand) 14w25a.png The missing model now also applies to items. Its "thirdperson_righthand" brandish blazon appears equivalent to other cubes.
Missing Model (translucent, third person, right hand) 14w25a.png Translucent items with a missing mode exhibit a particularly interesting visual bug in relation to entities (including its holder) and translucent objects.
14w29a Missing Model (third person, right hand) 14w29a.png Missing Model (translucent, third person, right hand) 14w29a.png The "thirdperson_righthand" model has changed.
14w30a Missing Model (third person, right hand) 14w30a.png Missing Model (translucent, third person, right hand) 14w30a.png For about items, the missing model is now the size of a full cake when held in third person or by a mob or another thespian. Some invalid data value items such as invalid data value chests still appear to use the normal size.[ more information needed ]
1.9 15w31a The remaining invalid information value items like chests now use the full-size missing model.
Missing Model (third person, left hand) 15w31a.png Missing Model (translucent, third person, left hand) 15w31a.png Objects can now be held in the histrion'due south left mitt.
ane.13 17w43a Missing Model (third person, left hand) 17w43a.png Missing Model (translucent, third person, left hand) 17w43a.png Missing Model (third person, right hand) 17w43a.png Missing Model (translucent, third person, right hand) 17w43a.png The changes to the missing texture take modified the advent of the missing model.
i.fifteen 19w39a Stock-still the rendering issues that acquired translucent items with cleaved models to render very strangely effectually entities and translucent objects, likely every bit office of the fix to MC-9553.

General history [ ]

Java Edition
one.viii 14w06b The missing model has been added every bit a model file nether models/block/missingno.json.
Prior to this version, the game would crash with a NullPointerException if information technology tried to render a block with no defined model.[32]
14w18a The missing model is now hardcoded and cannot be modified by resource packs, as to forestall a crash if the model is replaced by something invalid.[33]
As a result, it is also absent-minded from the jar file from this point onwards.
14w25a The block breaking blitheness now applies properly to the model; previously, blocks that used information technology would announced to calorie-free up when broken (similarly to the tops and bottoms of beds before 14w10a) without displaying the cracking animation properly.

Notable bugs [ ]

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Examples of cases where the missing model is non used [ ]

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Past definition, whatsoever block which does not use a model does non use the cubic missing model. If a model is still not divers for the block, all the same, this will likely still reflect in the block's particles.

Cake Reason
  • Air
  • Cavern Air
  • Void Air
  • Barrier
  • Light
  • Structure Void
The block is hardcoded to be invisible. Despite having empty concrete model information, defining such a model will not alter it.
  • Beds
  • Shulker Boxes
  • Signs
  • Wall Signs
  • Heads
  • Wall Heads
  • Chest
  • Trapped Chest
  • Ender Breast
  • Conduit
The block renders as an entity would. As of 1.19, all entity models besides particular frames and glow item frames remain hardcoded.
  • Banners
  • Wall Banners
In improver to using an entity model, these blocks utilize a layering system to ascertain textures.
  • Moving Piston
This is a highly technical block which is only used in specific circumstances, with its own special rendering method.
  • Finish Gateway
  • End Portal
These blocks employ a "starfield" effect which is incompatible with the functionality of models.
  • Bubble Cavalcade
  • Lava
  • Water
Fluid rendering is hardcoded and their handling differs significantly from blocks.

The vast majority of entity models are also completely hardcoded. There are ii notable exceptions in the item frame and glow item frame, which practice in fact have customizable models. Therefore, the item frame and glow item frame are the only two entities which are capable of using the missing model; all other entities may lose their texture, but retain the same model shape.

Horses are a particularly interesting case of an entity which are discussed further in a after section. In multiple version ranges, certain invalid horses tin can either appear completely invisible or take a solid white texture, neither of which are the missing model.

Translucency ordering [ ]

From 14w25a up to 19w38b, there existed a remarkable visual bug where missing models associated with blocks that used translucent rendering (such as ice, stained glass, stained glass panes and slime blocks) would interact anomalously with the rendering of transparent blocks in the world, equally well every bit of entities, including the holder. Dissimilar normal missing models, translucent blocks and other entities would return in front of such a model when held, even if they were physically further abroad from the photographic camera. Withal, this only applies if the afar entity or transparent block in question is not start occluded by the player model. As a result, the held translucent block can class a player-shaped silhouette effectually the player model in front of a background made of entities (such as paintings) or translucent blocks.

This issue tin can exist seen without the utilize of resource packs upward to 17w46a simply by holding ice, stained glass, stained drinking glass panes or slime blocks of an invalid data value. For versions 17w47a up to 19w38b a resources pack is required to intermission the model of an existing translucent detail, and from 19w39a the problems is no longer present at all.

This effect also happened to particles and sure other objects in-game from 13w41a onwards.

Unloading the default resources [ ]

If a sufficiently broken resource pack is loaded, the game volition grab such resources packs and unload them automatically if errors were detected. From 17w43a upwardly to the full release of i.13, this also included the default resources, pregnant that applying a flawed resources pack would event in all assets existence unloaded, and as such the missing fault assets actualization everywhere.

From 18w30a onwards, the game was made to unload all resource packs except the default resources in cases like these.[34]

Layered textures

Certain game objects exercise not utilize textures in the standard fashion, instead layering them on top of each other. Horses use these for their pattern variants, and banners for each banner pattern. When at that place is no texture to pick from, these instead announced completely white. If the textures in question have already been loaded into the game, it is not possible to unload them even if all other textures are unloaded.

As shields use an item model, even though said detail model points to an entity model, it appears as a missing model even though information technology makes use of texture layering.

Tropical fish, despite also using composite textures to distinguish variants, do not plow white if a texture cannot be loaded, and instead use the usual checkerboard (which is tinted in sure cases).

The screenshots beneath show a player'southward skin, which, despite not existence layer-based, is not unloaded due to the fact that it is not resource pack dependent.

Main menu

It is interesting to note how this bug highlights different changes to parts of the game through 1.thirteen's evolution. Focusing on the main carte du jour, for instance, reveals multiple details:

  • From 17w43a upwardly to 18w22c, the menu appears every bit in the get-go image. The panorama cube is conspicuously visible, with each square replaced with the missing texture.
  • From 1.13-pre1 upwardly to 1.13-pre5, the primary card background is at present a large missing texture itself, obscuring the view of the panorama cube. This is likely due to the introduction of the panorama_overlay.png texture file in this version, which is responsible for the whitish gradient effect visible higher up the panorama; previously the slope was hardcoded and unable to be inverse with resource packs.
  • In 1.13-pre6, font characters do non seem to load at all.
  • In 1.13-pre7 and 1.13-pre8, font characters now utilize a rectangle shape which is commonly seen in many fonts as a placeholder for unsupported characters. Prior to ane.13-pre6, characters used the missing texture colors instead, of varying widths. This may imply that font character sizes were hardcoded prior to this version.
  • From ane.13-pre9 up to the full release of i.xiii, the rectangular placeholder font characters are now solid black on the within, rather than being hollow as one would expect.

Trivia [ ]

  • 14w04b is the final Java Edition version in which the missing texture cannot be encountered in the vanilla game without resource packs:
    • From 14w05a through 14w21b inclusive, the end portal detail uses the missing texture.
    • In 14w25a, the version directly post-obit 14w21b, the end portal item is removed, merely all invalid data value items use the missing item model.
      • In addition, this is the showtime version that allows the use of the /particle command to generate block particles, which includes particles for invalid blocks such equally air. This functionality is temporarily removed in subsequently snapshots and the full release of 1.8, only returns soon later, and the missing texture tin can however be seen via invalid information value items.
    • In 17w47a, invalid information value items are effectively removed, yet information technology is still possible to generate missing texture particles if the air item is specified. This continues to the latest version.
  • The missing texture can be seen in the official version banners for 14w10a and 17w47a:

References [ ]

  2. MC-239407
  3. MC-122177
  4. a b MC-206684
  5. MC-236295
  7. Many screenshots from bug tracker tickets characteristic this version of the texture:
    • MC-31886
    • MC-31913
    • MC-47653
    • MC-50238
    • MC-50252
    • MC-50254
    • MC-50266
    • MC-50385
    • MC-50447
  10. MC-8149
  11. MC-7861
  12. MC-6865
  13. MC-10625, MC-10682
  14. MC-17999
  15. MC-10328
  16. MC-12026
  17. a b c d e f g h i j g l
  18. a b
  19. MC-7319
  20. a b
  21. MC-7208
  22. MC-7267
  26. https://www.minecraftforum.cyberspace/forums/annal/legacy-back up/1805293-customer-problems-game-isnt-even-playable
  28. https://www.minecraftforum.internet/forums/archive/legacy-support/1841577-weird-rain-bug
  29. up/1947231-missing-tex-inventory-screen-and-other-detail-uis
  30. MC-239083
  31. MC-47560
  32. MC-50073
  33. MC-123756

How To Fix Missing Textures In Minecraft,


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